Terms of Service (English)

Terms of Service

Welcome to our File Sharing Service. By using our service, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing or using our service, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, you must not use the service.

2. User Accounts

You may need to create an account to use certain features. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and are liable for all activities that occur under your account.

There may be rare cases where a Premium extension is applied more than one time for a single transaction. Should such issues arise, Filoz.net's moderation is reserved the right to apply manual corrections without prior notice.

3. Content Sharing

You are solely responsible for the content you share through our service. You must not share content that violates any laws, infringes upon intellectual property rights, or is harmful or offensive.

Users must agree to comply with all laws which apply to their location, including copyright and trademark laws. Images, videos and files that violate copyrights or trademarks are not allowed. If someone has an infringement claim against you, you will be asked to remove the copyrighted file until the issue is resolved. If there is a dispute between participants on this site, Filoz.net is under no obligation to become involved.

Filoz.net should only be used for public sharing purposes. Premium users who take advantage of the unlimited storage for personal purposes will get their "Lifetime File Validity" revoked.

We are reserved the right to monitor users' content, especially new users, to avoid any misuse of our service. In case of any abuse, we may proceed with deleting the abusive content. Should this abuse gets repeated, the user may get permanently banned.

4. Prohibited Activities

You must not use the service for any illegal, abusive, or unauthorized purpose. This is an exhaustive list of prohibited activities:

  • Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited.
  • Copyrighted materials are STRICTLY prohibited. We reserve the right to decide appropriate content and can delete images or videos at any time without User notification. Considering the nature of the platform, we regularly monitor content and make sure it complies with our ToS.
  • Any tools or data that can be used for illegal activities: Crack files, Malwares, Trojans, Viruses, etc.
  • Sharing Commercial Software Tools: Sharing proprietary software tools or applications that are intended for purchase is illegal if done without proper authorization.
  • Sharing Sensitive or Confidential Material: Sharing sensitive or confidential material, such as trade secrets, classified documents, or personal data, without authorization is illegal.
  • Unauthorized Distribution of Private Content: Sharing private or personal content of individuals without their consent, such as intimate photos or videos, is illegal and may violate privacy laws.
  • Unauthorized Distribution of Academic Papers: Sharing academic papers, research articles, or other scholarly content without proper authorization, especially if it violates the publisher's terms of use, can be considered illegal.
  • Sharing Restricted Government Material: Distributing classified or restricted government documents without proper authorization is illegal and may have serious legal consequences.
  • Using Filoz.net as a personal storage: Filoz.net was made for the purpose of publicly sharing. Abusing of the unlimited storage and file validity will result in the deletion of your files and the limitation of your storage space.
  • 5. Intellectual Property

    Our service and its original content, features, and functionality are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works without our explicit consent.

    6. Termination

    We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account without prior notice if you violate these terms. We may also remove or restrict access to any content you have shared through the service.

    7. Disclaimer of Warranty

    Our service is provided "as is" without any warranties, express or implied. We do not guarantee the accuracy, security, or reliability of the service.

    8. Limitation of Liability

    We shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your use or inability to use the service. This includes direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages.

    Filoz.net is not liable for your images, videos or files or any lost business due to the unavailability or loss of the website. We make no claims of future reliability in serving, hosting or storing your images, videos or files.

    9. Changes to Terms

    We reserve the right to modify or replace these terms at any time. Your continued use of the service after changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

    10. Governing Law

    These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

    11. Compliance

    Filoz.net is commited to cooperate with any and all legal authorities if an investigation should arise.

    12. Reseller & Rewards Programs

    An account cannot be eligible for the Rewards and the resellers programs at the same time.

    For details concerning the Affiliation and Making Money Systems, please refer to Make Money.

    Please review our full Terms of Service document for detailed information. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].